17 November 2010

Last Week/New Book

I have a bunch of pictures that I took last week and I thought I'd just post a few bunch of them to show the different stuff Stew and I were up to :)
 Yummy fresh baked bread and goats cheese for dinner
 Making a lasagna on a Tuesday afternoon to eat for the rest of the week. The sauce is from the Prescott farmer's market and is made by an Italian chef in Phoenix- all fresh, healthy ingredients :)
 Stewbean mashing up some cream cheese and ricotta for the lasagna
 My pet fishy Zia!
 Favorite heels :)
 Stew took this picture of me blogging after we got home from working out one night
 Cinnamon Sugar toast on homemade bread is the best breakfast!
 Pretty rain cloud sunset while grocery shopping
 Stewie drew gnome faces on the food coloring we bought for the HP cupcakes
 Unbaked vegan red velvet cupcakes (with gryffindor colored papers)
 Drinking the first batch of butterbeer!
 Very yummy and realistic vegan buffalo wings
 In my room watching HP on my 15 dollar goodwill tv
Liquid Echinacea to put in my tea (still keeping that sickness at bay!)
 Me a few minutes ago, drinking tea out of my new purple camper-style ceramic mug. yummy!

My copy of The Time Traveler's Wife hasn't come yet, so I'm starting/continuing reading a different book. 
Looking For Alaska is my friend Margaret's favorite book and she let me borrow it back in May. I admit I read like the first chapter and then got swept up in all the summer excitement. What with working at mama eddas, going on salt river and california trips, and partying every day I just never picked it up again. Margaret wants it back by thanksgiving though, and I don't want to give it back without having read it, that would just be sad. So i'm going to read it now. It seems like a pretty quick and easy read (another one of those teenage fictions), so I will hopefully be done with it in a couple days. I'll let you know what I think! 

I'll be back later today with a pumpkin pie post . Tonight is Chana Masala for dinner, gym (if I feel better), Film history and geography homework, and bed at a reasonable hour I hope. I really want to start going to the gym early in the morning so that I can use the weights without being crowded by douchebaggy guys... but if I want to do that I've gotta go to bed early enough to wake up at 5!

See you later tonight lovies

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